The Batman Arkham series is a third person fighting action-adventure series that consist of Batman Arkham Asylum, Batman Arkham city, and Batman Arkham Knight. These games are made by Rocksteady and I...
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a 1st/3rd person open world wild west game that takes place in 1899-1907. It follows a gang trying to live free during an era where civilization is on the rise and the wild west...
In a dystopian society, in which human beings are the lesser form of life, you stand on a large platform, surrounded by feral, savage aliens. These aliens- the segyein- are your owners, and they’ve placed...
Rocky is a 1976 American sports drama film starring Sylvester Stallone. I started watching this franchise in mid-2020, since I found it somewhat annoying to watch types of films from previous decades. ...
Over the break I recently started a new Netflix series called “ All American. The show has five seasons with 16 episodes. I’m currently on season three and so far I would definitely recommend this...
21 Savage, born Shéyaa Bin Abraham-Joseph, is a rapper who was born in the UK, but raised in Atlanta, GA. He is one of the biggest anomalies in hip hop, consistently dominating charts with songs that...
Hypnosis Microphone A.R.B centered around 6 music groups. In this game you play as apprentice DJ, participating in the alternative rap battle.
Playing the game itself is quite simple,...
"The 100" is a popular Netflix series that is based on 100 teens who become the first people from a space habitat to return to Earth after a devastating nuclear apocalypse. Many of my friends have always...
Saturday afternoon me and my friend decided to try something new. My friend heard about this amazing buffet, and I couldn't resist giving it a try. With a growling stomach and a curious mind, I stepped...
The holiday season is a time for joy, laughter, and creating lasting memories. As Christmas approaches, students eagerly anticipate their winter break, a chance to relax and enjoy the festive spirit. One...
Horror movies are a huge part of American culture. Some horror movie franchises are very well known and are loved by billions of people all over the world. The most well known horror film genres are...