Washington Heights, es más bien conocida hoy en día como la tierra de los inmigrantes debido a su gran diversidad y su historia. Durante la...

Despite the growth over the past thirty years, animals continue to suffer in laboratories all over the world because of tests that the government...

Influenza La influenza o tambiem llamada gripe es un viruz muy facil de contraer, afecta principalmente los pulmones, la nariz y la garganta,...

The Batman Arkham series is a third person fighting action-adventure series that consist of Batman Arkham Asylum, Batman Arkham city, and Batman...

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a 1st/3rd person open world wild west game that takes place in 1899-1907. It follows a gang trying to live free during...

In a dystopian society, in which human beings are the lesser form of life, you stand on a large platform, surrounded by feral, savage aliens....

For some people, video games might feel like a way to relax but they can also take up so much of our time! Think of how much time is wasted...

Donald Trump has won the 2024 election against Kamala Harris and will now be president starting in 2025. With his election many questions have...