This Tuesday March 25, The College Academy will be assessed in a process known as a quality review. According to The NYC Department of Education website, “The Quality Review (QR) is a process rooted...
On January 20, 2025, Donald Trump was officially sworn in as the next president. Almost immediately he began signing executive orders activating his agenda. At the top of this list was his plan to increase...
Imagine a student named Kelvin, a newly arrived immigrant student at The College Academy. Kelvin wakes up as usual before school and gets himself ready for his day. After breakfast, Kelvin heads out...
In December before we had the winter break The College Academy had our annual holiday spirit week. We decorated cookies, had hot chocolate, wore pajamas and had a movie night.The mood in the school...
Recently, the MTA officially ditched the traditional MetroCard Student system in place for the newer OMNY Cards. OMNY Cards offer more benefits, such as convenience with Tap & Go for subway and city...
Recently there has been a concerning spark of wildfires happening in NYC. On November 8 Prospect Park went ablaze due to a nearby brushfire. On that day Mayor Eric Adams posted on social media that the...
Donald Trump has won the 2024 election against Kamala Harris and will now be president starting in 2025. With his election many questions have come into mind. Of particular interest to our school...
Before the 2024 presidential election, The College Academy conducted a mock election to give all students the opportunity to vote for who they thought would win the election. In total, 198 students responded. ...
Many students start thinking about college during their junior year. But it’s a good idea to start thinking about the future when you arrive as a 9th grader! Here are some tips for 9th and 10th graders...
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has been around for a lot longer than we’ve thought. Some form of AI has been around since 1950 to 1956. It has been used in old computers, video games, libraries and...
On Wednesday October 23, 2024 during period 2, TCA 11th and 12th graders went in the gym downstairs for a college fair with 32 representatives from post secondary organizations. This event was held to...
The Issue:
Politicians including Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are talking about our country's policies toward immigrant people. Each year immigrants from other countries enter the United States both...