Editorial: At Home at The College Academy

Jayleen Torres

Have there been any moments in life where you searched for many high schools that would make you feel comfortable in your own space while getting the education you need? It can be very difficult to get accepted in certain high schools depending on the grades you may have gotten in your previous years of middle school. But, for me as a  young Latina from New York, the right place I felt to be was the George Washington Campus. There have been many balanced opinions about the George Washington Campus which can be very predictable. George Washington has a love for its most famous sport baseball and softball. The George Washington campus is where all the students attend in order to get a proper education for themselves and help their families. But, all the love and journey as well as the many experiences I have had with all my favorite teachers and staff have come from the second floor. The second floor also known as The College Academy has a high acceptance of many boys and girls of different genders, religions, abilities and more.

During my freshman year of high school, I always thought The College Academy was the perfect home for me, and it still is now. The College Academy has helped me focus on the many courses I can take in order to go to college, as well as teaching me how to have organization and affirmative leadership skills in order to become successful in life. The College Academy helps any young teenager with difficulties by guiding them to their future as well as helping those students who have a goal, but are lost and have no idea what step to take next. The College Academy has many varieties of professional-level courses any student wishes to take.  Students can take college-level courses such as AP art, AP, global, AP, science, AP Literature and Language and more. Students get involved with varsity and JV sports like soccer, swimming, basketball, volleyball, etc. The College Academy also provides programs and after-school to help students not just focus on school, but also have more open opportunities they can attend. 

Here at The College Academy we help our students feel welcome and everyone especially the teachers, principal, vice principal, and counselor finds many ways to make our students feel motivated daily. To me The College Academy has always been a source of love and great positivity when walking around the school’s hallways.  If I ever tend to feel anxious or if I’m going through some struggles I can always find someone to talk to. The College Academy is not just about education, it’s also making sure that each student feels safe and protected in their surroundings. The school itself has many community skills and college openings that many students from The College Academy is interested in. We offer many scholarships, awards, and honor rolls to those students who take school very seriously and are focused on going to a high ivy league college. The best part about my school is that there are many teachers who are highly educated and have had all their master’s degrees and are very welcoming as well as very respectful to every single one of our students.  Here we also have a special placement for those students who are helping in need of education and can’t find a safe placement for them.