“The Calming Adaptation”

Jayleen Torres

September, October

Days seem pretty slow

Clock tickin

Bell Ringing

Where too next? Where is my schedule?

The College Academy is a comfort zone

The way we walk around crowded hallways

Colleges seek creative skills

Awaiting for graduation how are my grades?

Playing ball and scoring to make the crowd scream

Our parents are proud, where is my ice cream?

Honors Honors Honors

how can we make it?

Ranking 95 GPA can get us scholarships

heavy book bags, packed lockers

November, December

Big scanners winter breeze

Heavy  rainy days

transportation is slow

The sun is still low… 5 am hits

The sun hasn’t scared me

January February

Months feel like years

The year 2023 is here

Winter is still here, regents are near

Programs are open

“New year, new snacks”

Time changes, exams start expanding

Essays get longer, Counsellors start questioning

Voices in my head

“get up early sleepy head”

Aching for more sleep

” Baby is cold outside”

March, April

Autumn is here, stress every where

staying after school

Saturday school

sounds like a big deal

Teachers are strict “why do I have an 89,

can I just get the two points?”

Binders full, Grades cool

Walking home music in my ears

Bad bunny is our moment

The sky bright light blue, leaves slowly arriving

“Wait why did my grades go down in a bad timing?”


Students start to get anxious

The door opens I receive an invitation

The wind start’s to get hotter, my heart start to shatter

Trains are faster

Studying is a pattern

My Regents staring at me

Here goes nothing

Time to show the world something





it felt as if this took

a billion years

Walking down the isles,

seeing all my teachers


is this it?

Is this the moment I have been waiting for

my whole entire life?

Everyone’s eyes glancing

my soul colliding

My stomach turning

I am a tornado

My classmates happy

My surroundings is a rollercoaster

I am a celebrity, I am a doctor,

I am a lawyer, I am entrepreneur,

I am an astronaut, I am a teacher

I am still on stage?

am me, this is my voice

But TCA is my home and we are family