What Makes a Successful Student and Teacher Relationship?

Teachers Kenia Marte and Isiah Martich have developed a strong bond with the author.

Alex Ramos

At The College Academy there are many teachers who are kind and thoughtful and will help you have a successful future and good education.  How do they make their classrooms so successful?  What can the students of TCA say to help their teachers to be most supportive?  After all, some things that happen in classes don’t appeal to their students. Here are some short student interviews to shed some light on what makes a successful classroom experience.

“ A great way to start having a good friendly student-teacher relationship is to become friendly and kind to the students to build some sort of trust”.

In TCA students are obligated to follow the rules given to them by the school and respect others which plays an important role in this article. Usually both respective parties just do whatever they must do to get through the rest of the day but they will talk to each other most likely for an answer to a question. But in some instances students would have the inspiration to become friends with their teachers, here is an interview about that.

“I like becoming friends with my teachers because it gives me reassurance within the school and it gives me someone to help me with homework or important things outside of school”.

Many students in the school are friends with their teachers. In fact you would most likely see a positive student-teacher relationship across campus. But in some way there is the one kid that gets the teacher everything but happiness. This is a negative student-teacher relationship where students or teachers sometimes both dislike each other. Here is an interview once again about the negative side of the relationship between students and teachers.

“Yes obviously there are some students who don’t get along with teachers but my guess is it would come from both sides, the students and the teachers. Like perhaps both sides did something to upset each other”.

There are two sides of good and bad but there are a few ways to get rid of the bad and only have goods. Here are a few ideas

  • Respect from both student and teachers
  • Students follow the rules
  • Teachers showing empathy towards students
  • Students and teachers having patience
  • Students and Teachers having good listening skills

Students and teachers having positive relationships is the best thing to happen not just TCA but for all school campuses and should strive for such.