Homecoming- What Do We Expect?

Oliver U. Castillo

    To start, Homecoming is always a big thing no matter what school you go to. So of course, why is it any different here at TCA? Simple answer: it isn’t! But the real question is, what exactly are the expectations for TCA’s homecoming? Judging by how previous events have gone here at GWEC, it may be safe to say that the expectations may be quite high. A notable event that many of 2022’s sophomores, juniors, and seniors remember is the Back to School field day we had back in September, 2021. But to explore this event accurately, we at the TCA Heights decided to try asking around, particularly to the two opposite grades, seniors and freshmen. When asked the question, “What do you expect out of this year’s Homecoming?”, freshman Daniel Fontanez had to say that he simply expected it to be basic.“Not low budget,” he said, “but basic.” However, when senior Kady Doumbia was confronted with the same question, she had to say the following; “I expect it to be fun and lit. I hope the food is good, and everyone is well-dressed. And they better let us do what we want.”
As you can see, both responses are quite different. So, what does this tell us about how TCA imprints on freshmen, as opposed to seniors who have been with the school for nearly four whole years now?
As a whole, one can infer that the expectations for this year’s homecoming are quite low. Seniors and freshmen alike both don’t expect all that much from our school. What does this say about our school?