!!Week of Spirit!!

Carolina Castillo, Editor/Writer

The College Academy hosted a week long event called spirit week where each day you dress up as something different. It was for before the break to help students have fun on their last week of school. The 5 day event consisted of…

Celebrity Day where you dress as your favorite celebrity. When interviewing 12th grader Diego Rosario about his opinion on what he thought of Spirit week entirely he said “They’re extremely creative but the 5th day was dumb” (Speaking of anything but a backpack day). It seems not everyone enjoyed it but I know I enjoyed seeing some teachers dress up as celebrities. Now anything but a backpack day might be a bit silly but I think it’s fun to see people bring something as silly as a bin or a basket.

The next day was Valentine’s Day, where you dress up in pink or red as well as receive gifts from classmates and friends. Michelle Quero, an 11th grader, received one of the biggest gifts I’ll say. When asked what she expects from the rest of spirit week she said “Honestly I expect everyone to be happy. It’s a joyful week so I feel like it should be filled with a bunch of joy and laughter”. I’m glad that some people were enjoying getting chocolates and gifts. I agree that everyone

TCA junior Michelle Quero.

 should enjoy spirit week events and I hope we have more events in the future.  

The next day is Wednesday, in which you dress up as a character from the Netflix “Wednesday” series. I thoroughly enjoyed that show and watching it till its entirety I cannot wait for the next season to come out. Here’s what paraprofessional Ms. Ross has to say about this. “Spirit week is really important to me because it gives students an opportunity to just explore creativity, to have fun and see their peers in a different light”. Seeing teachers dress up as silly little Wednesday characters was funny and I’m glad the teachers also had fun participating in these events.

Ms. “Wednesday” Ross.

The day that both Ms Ross and music teacher Mr Martinez’s were excited for Disney day, where you dress up as any Disney character you want. When asked if spirit week was important Mr

It’s Woody…I mean Mr. Martinez!

Martinez said “Yeah, I think it’s always nice to, you know, change things up… give people something to look forward to and just let people have fun”. I didn’t see many people dress up but I know for sure I had fun! 

The last day was anything but a backpack day where you bring literally anything but a backpack. Now I somewhat forgot about it and I carry too much stuff to not bring a backpack. Seeing students bring things like Vannia’s mail sorting box brought us all a laugh and reminded us about all the creative and cool people at TCA.