The Growing Effects of Cannabis

Jayleen Torres, Reporter

There are many substances teenagers use that can turn into an addiction. These choices can result from the many stresses we face everyday.  Whether it’s academics, sports, love, depression, alcohol, vapes, or family problems, there are complicated situations and choices all around us.   And now many young people are turning to the recently legalized drug marijuana.  The Marijuana Regulation & Taxation Act (MRTA) was signed into law on March 31, 2021 legalizing adult-use cannabis (also known as marijuana, or recreational marijuana) in New York State. (  This law legalized marijuana use and created the structure for the legal sale of marijuana in our community.  What are the effects of this law, especially on younger people?  Many teenagers say recreational marijuana use is beneficial, while others state that it is negative. I spoke with several different community members to explore the impacts of recreational marijuana on our bodies and minds.

Even though underage use of marijuana is illegal under the new law,  many teens say it calms them down and helps alleviate stress. But at the same time, others fight to control it taking over them. We see it everywhere, smell it, share it, hide it, taste it, and value it. But, no one has ever noticed the many directions it can take you from where you are. How many people notice the consequences that marijuana has on teenagers’ young minds? Our brains are still developing, but eventually, when we grow older our bodies start to take in all the substances we used as teenagers and it starts affecting us slowly. But as we get deep into this ” addiction” we will learn some pros and cons of marijuana and its relationships with us.

Recently I spoke with the Program Director for Eastside House, Johnathan Rodriguez.  I asked him his opinion about recreational marijuana use.

“A 19-year-old is considered a teenager and there are an adult cause a 19 is still a teen. So, why wouldn’t a 19 year old who is an adult and not in school not be able to do that. If they’re 19 and they’re working and they want to do that I don’t see nothing wrong with that.  I think the use of any anything can be dangerous if you over do it or don’t know how to manage it or handle it. I think when you exceed the usage or become dependent on it then it can harm you. But, if you can control it and you are not dependent of any type of substance, cause people get addicted to coffee there is people addicted to medicine and they become dependent on it. So, if you know how to manage it and you can control it I don’t see no harm in it.”

While Jonathan makes the point that marijuana can be used responsibly, others note that many young people who access marijuana illegally are not able to use it reasonably.  I spoke with the nurse administrator and health educator from The George Washington Campus health center, Sonia Hernandez. Ms. Hernandez is not directly experienced in drugs or alcohol, as her expertise is in reproductive health, but overtime she is learning more about the impacts of marijuana use on teenagers.

Ms, Hernandez stated, “I do know that it effects peoples personalities [and] their memories, the way they function. Some people say they feel more relaxed other people say they get anxiety. It depends on the individual, and of course what kind of other things the cannabis maybe laced with. Sometimes what happens it effects peoples judgement and sometimes we do thing that we usually wouldn’t do and if we would be in a good frame of mind. So you often hear of people committing crime or doing things they regret, because they were high on something. So that is the danger of using drugs and that includes alcohol and any substance and you lose control and you do things that are unwise and it will affect some of the behaviors may effect your health and your future. But, definitely it will “It depends on the individual, and of course what kind of other things the cannabis maybe laced with. I can have short term that I can tell you I will say I had patients coming in saying I took something I don’t know what it was exactly I thought it was just weed, but it was something more. I took an edible and then I blacked out, I don’t know what I did and is a very dangerous scenario, because they don’t know what they participated in. So, is kind of scary and that’s why people say don not sign anything, do not drive, if you are under the influence of any type of substance because it clouds your judgement.”  Here we can see how Nurse Hernandez had clear view points about the damaging effects of cannabis.

Another important perspective came from one of my peers, Oliver Castillo. Oliver gave his opinion and came forward saying ” I really think it depends on the teenager, because sometimes some kids do have health issues and are really in need of cannabis. But, I don’t think teenagers should be using it though, because is a bad drug that every kid is inhaling. Of course cannabis has some long term effects you know, but some short term of those effects is when it effects there body, there thoughts and physical movement since it does has treatment. It is beneficial for medicine purposes, but I don’t think it is beneficial just to use it, because many teenagers are using it to get inebriated.”

Clearly we can tell how it can not just be positive or negative. But, it has a wide variety of pros and cons and many community members will agree or disagree. So we are faced with a difficult situation now that marijuana is legal and more widely available in our community.  Some people say that marijuana should be legal and people can use it responsibly.  Other say that perhaps a mental health provider, because it can be very stressful too stop it. Clearly having someone guiding them through that process would be very beneficial.  As this important topic keeps inspiring conversation and debate around us around community we can believe that there are more multiple perspectives about cannabis and opinions.


What do you think about the overall impact of cannabis in our community?


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