Reader Name: Andrew Averill, English Teacher
TCA Heights: What are you reading these days?
Mr. Averill: I’m reading Gods and Generals by Jeff Shaara. It’s part of a trilogy of books about the American Civil War.
TCA Heights: Why did you choose this book?
Mr. Averill: I heard about it on a podcast that I was listening to. I love history but I don’t know a lot about the civil war, so I was really interested to read it. The writing is amazing and once I start reading I didn’t want to put it down.
TCA Heights: Who do you think should read this book?
Mr. Averill: I think everyone should know about the American Civil War because it was a really shocking time in our history. People who use to be friends became enemies and even killed each other. Thousands and thousands and thousands of people died in really horrific ways and it was Americans killing Americans. So I think anyone who is interested in history and everyone who wants to know about the American Civil War should read this book.
TCA Heights: Do you recommend this book?
Mr. Averill: Definitely! Not only is it a well written book but as I said I think everyone in this country should definitely know about American history. Reading this book has got me thinking about the present moment because everybody is arguing a lot in our country and back in the 1860’s people were not only arguing but they were actually killing each other. I think about that like we have been in a difficult place before in history and we got out of it. So hopefully we can do that today as well. So anyone who wants to appreciate our shared past and our complex present moment should read this book series.