Kelvin, a newly arrived immigrant student at The College Academy, wakes up as usual before school and gets himself ready for his day. After breakfast, Kelvin gets ready for school. Waiting for the train to arrive, two police officers stopped Kelvin and asked him to for identification. Unable to produce a government ID, Kelvin was given a warning. “What if next time it’s ICE?” Kelvin wondered. He went home and didn’t come out of his room until his mother arrived.
What are Kelvin’s rights in this situation? Here’s what Kelvin and others like him need to know. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS AS AN IMMIGRANT STUDENT
1-Don’t open the door
ICE cannot come in without a signed warrant by a criminal court judge. They can only come in if you let them.
ICE can use anything you say against you in your immigration case so claim your right to remain silent! *Say “I plead the Fifth Amendment and choose to remain silent.”
Don’t sign anything ICE gives you without talking to an attorney.
Take pictures or video unless you’re on official government property. Take notes of badge numbers, number of agents, time, type of car and exactly what happened .
5-FIGHT BACK Get a trustworthy attorney explore all options to fight your case. If detained, you may be able to get bail don’t give up hope. Join your local team to defend yourself from enforcement.
According to the: Know Your Rights for Immigrant Students