The Batman Arkham series is a third person fighting action-adventure series that consist of Batman Arkham Asylum, Batman Arkham city, and Batman Arkham Knight. These games are made by Rocksteady and I would recommend these games to anyone who likes free flow combat and is a fan of Batman in general. You can play these games on xbox 360 and up, ps3 and up, and PC. I would give these games a 5 out of 5.
Batman Arkham Asylum is the first Batman game made by Rocksetady. It follows the story of Batman talking the Joker to Arkham Asylum and him breaking free and taking over the Island. Batman Arkham Asylum uses free flow combat and is the first game to popularize it and I believe that the free flow combat is what made people fall in love with the game. In this game you go throughout the island to stop the joker encountering a lot of Batman’s most loved villains. Get ready to fight villains like Joker, Harley Quinn, Bane, Killer Croc, Scarecrow, and Poison Ivy. Compared to the other Batman Arkham games, Batman Arkham Asylum is more linear as the other ones are more open world.
Batman Arkham City is the second game in the series and takes place a year and a half after Arkham Asylum. Many people consider it to be the best Arkham game in the series for its open world, boss fights, and story. Batman Arkham City follows the events of a new villain Hugo Strange imprisoning everyone in Arkham City by TYGER, a team trained by Hugo Strange. It also follows the Joker and him putting his infected blood in Batman and also sending it to hospitals causing Batman to have to find a cure. The gameplay is enhanced even more with more upgrades and gadgets to use in combat. Rocksteady even added suits that you can use on Batman to your liking. The open world aspect of the game allowed players to really feel like Batman when gliding around the city, especially with the addition of the grapple boost. This game also has amazing side quests like helping Bane, taking out Deadshot and even going after Victor Zsasz. This game is widely considered the best Batman game ever.
Batman Arkham Knight is the third game in the series and takes place about 9 months after the events of Arkham City. The story follows Batman trying to take down Scarecrow while trying to figure out the identity of a new villain never seen before called the Arkham Knight. alongside the militia that the Arkham Knight has by his side. As he tries to do this, the effects from Joker’s blood in Arkham City is starting to take over making him more like the Joker. This game has undoubtedly the best combat in all the Arkham games as it makes everything as polished while adding more gadgets to use at your disposal. This game also introduces the Batmobile as a way to traverse the map and is used to counter the militia’s tanks. The game also brings back iconic characters like Robin, Nightwing, and Barbra Gordan. In some of the main and side missions you can switch between Robin or Batman, and Nightwing and Batman allowing you to do duo takedowns. This game also has more side content than the other games including things like taking down two faces or taking down fireflies and even taking down hush. The DLC’s(DLC means downloadable content and is extra content the creators of the game make, some are free but most DLC’s cost money) that you can buy introduce additional missions for Killer Croc, Mr. Freeze, Mad Hatter, and Ra’s al Ghul. You can also buy story packs for extra content that includes the Red Hood story pack, the Nightwing story pack, the Robin storypack, the Harley Quinn story pack, the Catwoman story pack, and the Batgirl story pack. I consider this the best game in the trilogy as it has the best combat and I consider the ability to play as a lot more characters adds more to the combat.