Red Dead Redemption 2 is a 1st/3rd person open world wild west game that takes place in 1899-1907. It follows a gang trying to live free during an era where civilization is on the rise and the wild west era is coming to an end and you play as a character called Arthur Morgan that’s in the gang. This game can be played on ps 4 and up, Xbox 1 and up and pc. I would give this game a 4/5.
The reason I would recommend this game is because of its amazing story that leaves you feeling really connected to its main character. You encounter Arthur Morgan, a cold hearted outlaw who will do anything for the gang. Arthur will kill anyone who stands in his way. Surprisingly he ends up being someone whose morals have changed and starts seeing the flaws in the gang. He starts helping more people and this is due to a life changing event that he finds out later in the game. This along with other situations that are going on within the gang causes him to start trying to help people in the gang who are worth helping and he thinks can start fresh life outside of the outlaw life.
This game has an amazing open world that you can explore except for some areas that are locked off until you progress further into the story. It’s filled with random events and side missions that you can do at any time. These random events can also affect your honor. Honor is a system in the game that shows how good or bad you’ve been and being either or both have benefits. If you decide to lean towards the bad side you get more items when you loot bodies and a 10% discount from stores. But if players want to lean towards the good side you get better benefits such as you get access to more outfits that are locked behind high honor and you also get a 50% discount in all shops as well as special grips for your weapon.
RDR2 uses a special mechanic called dead eye. Dead eye slows down time and reveals red spots on your enemies that are critical spots and you can mark them with x’s once you press the shoot button. Arthur will automatically shoot those x’s. But deadeye is tied to your stat along with stamina and health. These get increased over time naturally like stamina gets increased by running, the health stat gets increased when you win fistfights or hunt animals and for deadeye you can hit headshots or complete challenges. You use things such as tonic and food to heal all three states that you can find on dead bodies, random cabins or buy them in stores. You also can buy horses that you use to travel around the map. You can increase your horse stats like health and stamina by leveling up your bonding level. You can level up your bonding level by riding around with your horse, cleaning it and feeding it. There are 4 levels and each level gives you a new ability to use with your horse like drifting.