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How to Decide on a Future Career

How to Decide on a Future Career

The best way to decide your career is to keep an open mind and try lots of different things: apply for internships, consider taking on a role outside your comfort zone, etc. The right career choice will ultimately be something you are passionate about, something you are comfortable with; If you don’t feel like getting up and going to work every day, you won’t find the happiness and success you’re looking to achieve.

Sometimes trying something new will be a way to narrow down your options by identifying what you definitely DO NOT want to do in the long term and that has nothing to do with what you identify as your qualities. An example is taking an internship at a large nonprofit organization that can help you develop your creative thinking. It may tell you that this was not a field that you are personally interested in long-term. (

To better understand this topic, I spoke with TCA English and Language Arts teacher, Alan Merced.

What is the best way to know what career to take?

¨There are many motivations for that, but in my experience the most important thing is to pursue something that makes you feel good. Nobody can tell you that this is going to make you feel better than something else because since you were little you already have intelligence and you already know that something attracts you, that’s why you have to be honest with yourself.¨

Do you have to worry about money for your chosen career if that’s the case?

¨Forget about the money, forget about what someone is going to think if they don’t like this, that I’m going to disappoint that person, forget about all that. That doesn’t matter, what matters is what makes you feel good, what gives you a sense of purpose, what makes you feel complete.¨










To get a better perspective on this topic, speak with Jayleen Torres, a junior at The College Academy.

How can you decisively choose your career?

The decision that one can make to take a professional and correct career is to get involved in programs to see what skills you can develop over time in those different programs and validate what you like in your career.To be able to take a career where you like to be and also where you don’t have to stress so much because there are many careers that different people take and then when they realize it’s not the perfect career they prefer.


How can you rule out some to make the right one?

There are many different people who take their careers and do not like the work they do, so I prefer that they look for different activities but also that they do not stress themselves in looking for programs, universities that they ask to go to in the summer and assist you to advise you on the different careers that you want exist.









The good news in all of this, however, is that you’re not necessarily locked into one career. Your first job (or second or third, etc.) doesn’t have to be a job for life; If you find yourself doing something you liked at first but no longer, you absolutely have the ability to change careers. Many people don’t really know what they want to do until later in life, so don’t feel stuck if you don’t get the perfect job the first time.

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