Humanity has had its moments of advancement throughout history. That led us to reach the point where advanced technology is what will take us to the future. Technology is known as a network of conceptual knowledge to achieve practical objectives, especially in a reproducible and productive ways. With the invention of the wheel and fire used in ancient times that contributed to the growth of the human brain, this today allowed for greater travel and the creation of more complex machines. More recent technological inventions, such as the telephone and the Internet, have reduced barriers to communication and ushered in the knowledge economy. While technology contributes to economic development and improves human prosperity, it can also have negative impacts such as pollution and resource depletion, and can cause social harms such as technological unemployment resulting from automation that reduces human intervention. To gain more local opinions on this topic, I decided to take points of view from people who understand this argument.
Do you think? The more new technologies that are invented, the more likely unemployment will increase?
Alen Merced (TCA English teacher): Regarding unemployment that comes from new technologies, it is very likely that people regret their jobs since the companies they worked for want to have better profits by not having to pay labor. and that makes it difficult for these workers to look for work. They don’t need to have a machine to do it for them.
Does AI improve global research with its evolution?
And about the fact that an AI would be better for the knowledge of the world, it is a good idea since it does things that people cannot do, such as automating tasks, making predictions, personalizing products and services and analyzing data. It is something that would improve the functions of ongoing human life.
The more new technologies that are invented, the more likely unemployment will increase?
“I think so because it is something that has always been part of the advancement of humanity, that there is technology that disrupts what is acceptable, what is traditional, what is part of the system, let’s say not only the government but the health system. series in general and then when these technological revolutions always arrive there are changes like too many unemployed, many people who have a very specific technique who no longer have that technique and have to fight to learn a new technique or adapt to a world that changes suddenly. For them, therefore, it is inevitable to think that there will be unemployment”.
Does an AI improve global research with its evolution?
Patrick Bryar (TCA Math and Computer Science teacher): It can greatly increase the speed with which we discover things and we are always discovering things. We discover things faster the more people study them and the more time we have to discover them. Artificial intelligence can make us think a lot very, very quickly. You can do a lot of the tracking to see if some ideas work or not. So instead of a person looking to see if something works and finding out it doesn’t work and then trying something else and finding out it doesn’t work. You have a computer that can very quickly discover that something doesn’t work and then try something new and it can do it thousands of times, faster than a human being. Therefore, the rate of discovery of new ideas that work will increase drastically and, above all, with artificial intelligence it will also be possible to think of new ideas that we had not thought of. If you can’t find a solution to a problem in real life, you have to ask someone else or wait a while and think of another idea. The computer has no timeout. You can keep thinking of new ideas as many times as possible.
As a result, there are ongoing philosophical and political debates about the use of technology, the ethics of technology, and ways to mitigate its disadvantages. But mentioning such negative things that this impact has on the future such as pollution and resource depletion caused by inventions that improve manufactured productions and that bring damage to our lives. And in my personal opinion with the two questions I have asked the teachers. Regarding unemployment that comes from new technologies, it is very likely that people regret their jobs since the companies they worked for want to have better profits by not having to pay for labor and that makes these workers have difficulties to look for work. They don’t need to have a machine to do it for them. And about the fact that an AI would be better for the knowledge of the world, it is a good idea since it does things that people cannot do, such as automating tasks, making predictions, personalizing products and services and analyzing data, that is something that would improve the functions of ongoing human life.