Have you ever wondered about the history of George Washington High School? This building is over 100 years old! The school opened on February 2, 1917, as an annex of Morris High School. George Washington High School was founded in 1919, and moved into the building in 1925. Who went to school here in the past? George Washington High School has had some notable alumni like Alan Greenspan, Henry Kissinger, and Murray Jarvik, Manny Ramirez. It’s fascinating to see how the demographics of the neighborhood and the student body changed over the years. In the past the neighborhood consisted of Irish and Jewish families. Today Washington Heights is home to a largely Spanish speaking community with a large percentage of Dominican people.
Today the George Washington Educational Campus (GWEC) is home to four schools. On the first floor, there’s the High School for Media and Communications. The second floor houses The College Academy, which used to be the High School for International Business and Finance. The third floor is where you’ll find the High School for Health Careers and Sciences, and on the fourth floor is the High School for Law and Public Service. Even with these changes and updates, history is still on display at the campus. There is a WPA mural called “The Evolution of Music” by Lucienne Bloch in the old music room on the first floor. GWEC is not just a place to learn but also helps support student health. A clinic connected to New York-Presbyterian Hospital on the first floor. (source: wikipedia)